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"Digital Sureties": over 30 Italian companies together for the project of CeTIF - Università Cattolica , SIA and Reply

Planned between July and October 2020 to test the blockchain platform through uploading and managing real and legally valid surety bonds
Press releases

Milan, April 30, 2020

More than thirty entities from the insurance, banking and finance, public administration and business sectors, as well as associations and institutions-including the Guardia di Finanza-are taking part in the national "Digital Sureties" project promoted by CeTIF, SIA and Reply, in collaboration with the Bank of Italy and IVASS, to digitize the surety bond management process thanks to technology blockchain.

In fact, Acquedotto Pugliese, ANCE Lombardia, ANCI Digitale, ANCI Lombardia, AON, ASMEL, Assolombarda, Banca Mediolanum, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Banca Popolare di Puglia e Basilicata, Banca Popolare di Sondrio, among others, have already joined the initiative, Banco BPM, Cattolica Assicurazioni, CEDACRI, Municipality of Bari, Municipality of Milan, Confindustria Digitale, CONSIP, HERA, ICCREA Banca, InfoCamere, Innolva, Intesa Sanpaolo, Poste Italiane, Reale Group, Regione Lombardia - ARIA, Regione Siciliana, Roma Capitale, Terna, VIVIgas energia.

The trial has officially kicked offand is currently in the design phase of the solution from a functional, legal and technological perspective. Between July and October 2020, upon completion of the development phase, testing of the blockchain platform through uploading and managing real and legally valid surety bonds is planned.

When fully deployed, the platform will provide guarantors and beneficiaries with greater efficiency, transparency and information certainty throughout the surety management process, with the primary goal of reducing potential fraud.

The "Digital Sureties" project is being developed within a "Sandbox", i.e., an environment of experimentation on real data under the supervision of a Scientific Committee composed of the Bank of Italy, IVASS, Guardia di Finanza, CeTIF, SIA, Reply and other members of the initiative.



