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Surety bonds at Blockchain: testing phase completed, market launch by year's end

Cetif - Università Cattolica, SIA and Reply partner in the initiative
Press releases

Launching in the second half of 2021, the first system platform to digitize surety bonds in banking and insurance through DLT technology.

More than 50 operators participated in the trial, more than 350 contracts were managed in four months with guaranteed amounts between 10 thousand euros and 1.4 million euros and an average amount of 275 thousand euros

Milan, May 10, 2021 - The pilot phase of "Digital Sureties," the project promoted by. CeTIF, SIA and Reply and in which Bank of Italy, Ivass and Guardia di Finanza also participated
to digitize the surety bond management process at blockchain .

In fact, more than 50 operators - including guarantors, guarantors and policyholders -from the banking, insurance and financial, PA and corporate sectors have joined the experimentation carried out within a "Sandbox" under the supervision of a Scientific Committee composed of representatives of Authorities, public and private entities.

During the pilot phase, which lasted about 4 months, more than 350 surety bonds with guaranteed sums ranging from 10 thousand euros to 1.4 million euros and an average amount of 275 thousand euros were digitally managed.
According to data provided by participants, the use of blockchain and DLT technology can lead to a reduction in fraud by about 30 percent and in operating costs by 10 percent to more than 50 percent, depending on the number of
transactions transacted.

Additional benefits that have emerged from the experimentation include:
- the reduction in costs resulting from the dematerialization of documents
- the increase in transparency and information certainty throughout the surety bond management process, linked to increased information sharing
- the increased efficiency in the management of the release of the surety bond and the consequent availability in a reduced timeframe of credit lines to be used for participation in new tenders.

Based on theeffectiveness of the trial and the positive evaluations of the participants-representing the main players in surety bond management in Italy-further technological, functional and regulatory refinement activities have been initiated with the aim of making the platform fully operational and available on the market in the second half of 2021.