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The SME Observatory - Capital Market is born. A new collaboration between Consob and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Cetif

The SME Observatory - Capital Market is born.
Press releases

A new collaboration between Consob and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Cetif

Consob and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore announce the launch of the new Osservatorio Pmi,
an initiative that aims to become a reference point on a national basis for the analysis of the
conditions of access and permanence in the capital market by small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) in Italy.

The Observatory will focus, among other things, on dynamics related to the propensity for financial
finance, the use of sustainable resources and the adoption of digital technologies. It will also study the
incentive factors influencing the growth and development paths of SMEs.

The scientific director of the Project is Federico Rajola, Full Professor of Organization
Business and director of Cetif - Research Center on Technology, Innovation and Financial Services
of the'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, joined for Consob by Paola Deriu, Head of the
of the Studies Division, and by Daniela Costa, Advisor of the Economic Studies Office, and for Cetif by
Chiara Frigerio, Associate Professor of Business Organization and Secretary General of. Cetif.

Doctoral Fellowships: For the purposes of the Observatory, two doctoral fellowships for young
researchers, in Management and Innovation, funded by Consob, on the topics of innovative models
with reference to finance and business organization of SMEs.
The doctoral call for applications is on the website of theUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore with a deadline of July 30
July 2024.

"This collaboration with Consob," commented Prof. Rajola, "provides a perspective of
entirely new analysis aimed at deepening the knowledge of the development dynamics of SMEs with
reference to the capital market and the spread of organizational and digital innovation processes.
The Observatory will provide useful data and insights to support SMEs in strategic decisions."