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    16 Research Hubs focused on dynamics of strategic evolution, regulatory updates, organizational and process practices, and the effects of digitization: we study innovation trends and best practices and share them with our communities.

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What happened to payments? Invisible, secure, contextual

15.03.2023 10:00 - 15:45 Aula Pio XI | Università Cattolica of Milan, Largo Gemelli 1

Presentation of the workshop

The workshop aims to chart the next challenges in the payments world with key innovations including on the security front.

Among the topics at the center of the meeting:

  • Digital identities and payment identities: toward the European Digital Identity Wallet
  • Programmable currency and delivery vs payments in the B2C and B2B worlds
  • The next future: payments in the Metaverse
  • From open banking to open data: the role of the payments system

Agenda of the day

Federico Rajola
Full Professor of Business Organization and Director Cetif
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Opening remarks by Prof. Federico Rajola
Paolo Gatelli
Senior Research Manager
Digital Payments: product, service or driver of innovation?
Download the talk
Claudio Impenna
Chief of the Supervision Service on Markets and Payment Systems.
Bank of Italy
Innovation, opportunities and risks in the digital payments ecosystem - The action of central banks
Download the talk
Tommaso Jacopo Ulissi
Head of Group Strategy
Evolving digital payments: innovation scenarios and trends
Download the talk
Alessandro Molinari
Chief Executive Officer and General Manager
ITAS Mutua
Session | Digital payments for the evolution of insurance service models
Download the talk
Leonardo Rubattu
Chief Executive Officer
Session | Digital payments for the evolution of insurance service models
Download the talk
Matteo Concas
General Manager - Digital & Mobility
Session | Digital payments: mobility and ecosystems
Download the talk
Luca Daniele
Chief Financial Officer
Session | Digital payments: mobility and ecosystems
Download the talk
Raphael Barisaac
Global Head of Payments & Cash Management
Session | Digital payments: incumbent, what's next?
Download the talk
Antonio Galiano
Issuing and Postepay Circuit Manager
Session | Digital payments: incumbent, what's next?
Download the talk
Maurice Lisi
Head of Direct Channel
Session | Digital payments: incumbent, what's next?
Download the talk

Proceedings of the event