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    16 Research Hubs focused on dynamics of strategic evolution, regulatory updates, organizational and process practices, and the effects of digitization: we study innovation trends and best practices and share them with our communities.

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EU regulation 2024: between resilience, good governance and value for money

17.04.2024 10:00 - 16:00
Aula Pio XI | Università Cattolica of Milan, Largo Gemelli 1


Presentation of the workshop

The workshop aims to reflect on the regulatory evolution that new European paradigms based on resilience, governance and transparency are bringing to the system of internal controls.

Among the topics at the center of the meeting:

  • The new European regulation of digital financial services
  • Value for money, transparency and good governance
  • DORA and NIS: the implementation choices.
  • Data Act and AI@work: the effects on privacy
  • Regtech and Suptech: what evolution of the system of internal controls

Agenda of the day

Federico Rajola
Full Professor of Business Organization and Director Cetif
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Opening remarks.
Chiara Frigerio
Professor of Business Organization and Secretary General Cetif
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Ugo Malvagna
Professor of Financial Markets Law
Università of Trento
Financial innovation and risk management in financial regulation
Download the talk
Giuseppe Siani
Head of the Banking and Financial Supervision Department
Bank of Italy
Governing change: market evolution and supervisory perspectives
Download the talk
Piero Boccassino
Group Chief Compliance Officer
Intesa Sanpaolo
EU regulation 2024: the Artificial Intelligence Act
Scarica l'intervento
Serenella De Candia
Group Compliance Officer
Challenges for Compliance in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Download the talk
Carla Gardani
Chief Compliance Officer
Sustainability governance: the approach of Bper
Download the talk
Augusto de Caris
Head of Compliance and AML Risk Officer
Findomestic Bank
Value for Money in product governance: the path to the Retail Investment Strategy
Download the talk
Elena Bellizzi
Head of Market Conduct Supervision Service
The viewpoint of theIVASS
Attilio D'Amico
Chief Compliance Officer
Allianz Italy
The challenges of digital in the insurance world
Download the talk
Maria Teresa Nicolini
Chief Compliance and AML Officer
Value for Money as a lever to accelerate the 'customer centric view' in a company with a complex distribution network
Download the talk
Silvia Ciceri
Chief Compliance and Data Protection Officer
AXA Insurance
Retail Investment Strategy and AI Act in AXA Italy: approach and role of Compliance
Download the talk

Proceedings of the event