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New Risks and Algogovernance

23.04.2020 10:00 - 15:30
The new frontiers of the control system

Presentation of the workshop

Innovation within Financial Institutions is profoundly changing the system of internal controls. New techniques (Machine Learning, AI) and technologies (Big Data, Cloud, Blockchain) to support Compliance, Risk Management and Internal Audit functions are a key asset in order to make controls more efficient and effective, improve decision-making processes, decrease losses and improve profitability.

Understanding the workings and logic of new technologies is critical to adopting all the necessary safeguards to monitor, manage and mitigate emerging risks, such as Cyber and Digital Risk, which are increasingly central to the strategic risk assessment of banks and insurance companies.

Agenda of the day

Massimo Doria
Senior Manager
Bank of Italy
Platform economy: new challenges and new risks
Download the talk
Valerio Cencig
Head of Compliance Digital & Data Transformation
Intesa Sanpaolo
Algogovernance: an initial critical reflection
Download the talk
Carlo Appetiti
Group Compliance Officer
Digital transformation and control activities: a new challenge for compliance
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Ettore Carneade
Head of Group Compliance Department
Monte dei Paschi di Siena Bank Group
"Citius, altius, fortius": the real role of Compliance in the time of Artificial Intelligence
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Roberto Rovere
Chief Audit Officer
Algogovernance: risks and challenges for the control system. A possible evolution of the role of compliance
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Chiara Frigerio
Professor of Business Organization and Secretary General Cetif
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
New risks and Algogovernance: the new frontiers of the control system
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Elena Bellizzi
Head of Market Conduct Supervision Service
Algogovernance: the viewpoint of theIVASS
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Attilio D'Amico
Chief Compliance Officer
Allianz Italy
Conduct and retail risk
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Silvia Ciceri
Chief Compliance and Data Protection Officer
AXA Insurance
Data Driven Compliance in AXA: from a subjective to an objective approach
Download the talk

Proceedings of the event