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Retail banking

12.03.2008 01:00 23.10.2024 17:23
Innovation of strategies and organization of business areas

Presentation of the workshop

Among the channels of interaction between bank and customer, the teller has always played a role of fundamental importance in the commercial strategies of the most important banking groups. In fact, the advent of the Internet and of technologies that make it possible to direct the bank's operations toward channels that do not involve direct contact with the customer, have not diminished its role as a tool through which to satisfy the customer's multiple needs and promote direct commercial actions.In the Italian banking system, in fact, there has been a progressive convergence of delivery channels over a large part of the range of products and services offered, enabling the sudden shift from a "multiple channel bank" concept to a "multi-channel bank."Technological innovation itself then becomes a tool for the consolidation of customer relationships, thanks to strategies involving the development of technologically advanced services and the communication of a cutting-edge bank image.Parallel to the pursuit of commercial effectiveness, retail strategies then pursue organizational efficiency objectives, improving productivity and reducing operating costs, including through initiatives to rationalize the territorial network and redistribute branches, and through process automation and rengineering projects, with a view to flexibility, suitability to user needs and speed of implementation. Based on the above theses, workshop aims to address some of these questions, among others:
  • What are the evolving trends in retail banking business strategies?
  • What business effectiveness measurement tools and systems support strategy setting?
  • How can technological innovation be enhanced in the customer relationship and the customer's perception of the bank?
  • What innovative tools and projects support the search for operational efficiency in the distribution of products and services?

Agenda of the day