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Thinking digital

10.02.2016 11:00 24.02.2016 16:30
The support of Big Data, IoT & agile innovation in the financial sector

Presentation of the workshop

Big Data, Internet of Things [IoT], cloud computing, are innovations that are transforming the financial industry as a whole, disrupting established business and operational models. The investment focus is on identifying pathways where to direct innovation efforts supporting change. Such choices, on the one hand, pose questions about application and infrastructure technologies and solutions, and on the other, about decision-making and design processes that support their adoption. Agile methodologies, FinTech scouting strategies to support technology development, infrastructure and application sourcing, and new IT performance assessment tools are just a few of the examples of strategic choices that IT departments need to know how to manage in this financial market.
The meeting is primarily aimed at the areas of responsibility of the Chief Information Officer [CIO] and Chief Digital Officer [CDO] and in particular, the functions dedicated to IT innovation, organization and governance of digital projects.

Agenda of the day