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Between IFRS 17 and Solvency II

22.05.2019 10:00 - 13:30
The evolution of data governance and the effects on business

Presentation of the workshop

The new international accounting standard IFRS 17 and the related quantification of reserving risk are challenging insurance companies on preparing structured approaches to its implementation with the aim of maximizing its opportunities. Challenging issue also in terms of resources, data collection and management, product development policies and strategic planning.

The objective of workshop is to foster discussion on these issues and the assessment of economic, capital and operational impacts.

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Agenda of the day

Chiara Frigerio
Professor of Business Organization and Secretary General Cetif
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Opening of the proceedings by Prof. Chiara Frigerio
Sandra Hack
Senior Expert Solvency II and Accounting, Leader of the Pensions Policy team.
EIOPA's assessment of IFRS 17: building on Solvency II for an efficient implementation
Alberto Floreani
Core Faculty
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
IFRS 17: current situation and the critical points covered by IASB redeliberations
Gian Luca De Marchi
Chief Risk Officer
Unipol Group
IFRS17 and SolvencyII: consistency in risk-based measurement criteria
Stefano Spizzamiglio
Chief Risk Officer
Generali Global Business Lines
Data management and quality: between regulatory requirements and product optimization
Silvano Cerea
IFRS project manager
IFRS 17: How the standard impacts an enterprise''s data, models, processes and business
Francesco Merlin
Chief Risk Officer
Poste Vita
Garbage in-garbage out: how to deal with data governance between IFRS17 and Solvency II