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Agrifood sandbox, testing of parametric policies.

The initiative, promoted by Cetif, now begins experimentation on underwriting index-based insurance solutions facilitated by public contribution.
Edited by Insurance Trade
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Edited by Insurance Trade

Cetif, Hort@, WESMARTi and Reply together to support the development of parametric policies in the Italian agrifood market and to create the first technology-based ecosystem blockchain. The result is what has been called an agrifood sandbox in which it will be possible to experiment with the underwriting of index-based insurance policies facilitated by public contribution. 

"Thanks to the systemic approach, with our Sandbox we are moving an important new step in support of the country's agricultural supply chain," commented Chiara Frigerio, secretary general of Cetif. "The availability of parametric digital policies that are simple, efficient, based on technological and regulatory innovation, and eligible for community public subsidy would represent," she added, "a real revolution, which the insurance industry is called upon to effectively oversee and promote.

Ivass, Ismea, Ania, Asnacodi Italia, Coldiretti, Confagricoltura and CoorDifesa are part of the project's scientific committee. Cattolica Insurances and Reale Mutua , on the other hand, are the first companies to have concretely tested with their end customers, i.e., farms, parametric solutions to guarantee phytopathy risk (downy mildew, powdery mildew, gray mold, black-rot) for the wine grape supply chain.