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New executive master's program in Innovability Management kicks off.

The course, starting in November 2022, trains professionals capable of guiding businesses toward development models that integrate innovation, digital transformation and sustainability. The master's program has the patronage of the Ministry of Ecological Transition.
Press releases

The new executive Master's degree program in Innovability Management: innovation, digital and sustainability, designed by Cetif and ALTIS, Università Cattolica in Milan, Italy, has kicked off.

The course, starting in November 2022, trains professionals capable of guiding businesses toward development models that integrate innovation, digital transformation and sustainability. The master's program has the patronage of the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

A collaboration between Cetif (Center for Research on Technologies, Innovation and Financial Services) and ALTIS (Alta Scuola Impresa e Società) -- two entities of excellence inUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore -- has resulted in a new Executive Master's degree designed for professionals who want to acquire strategic vision, skills and functional tools to govern the transformation and growth of organizations (public, private and nonprofit), acting synergistically on innovation, digitization and sustainability.

Therefore, the master's program addresses the topics of innovation management and sustainability, new technologies and digital governance, organizational models for innovability, innovation for inclusion, eco-innovation, organizational change, and new leadership models.

The course's didactics is enriched by an Innovability business Lab, dedicated to the in-depth study of entrepreneurial skills for digital and sustainable business design, and "Meet the Managers" meetings, which will allow a direct comparison on best practices with other professionals from different sectors, thanks also to the collaboration with BlackRock.

The one-year master's program, starting in November 2022, is aimed at managers and professionals who hold or aspire to roles as: innovation manager, sustainability manager, project manager, entrepreneur, startupper, NPO, NGO, PA manager, etc.

The blended teaching, which is highly dynamic and interactive, allows participants to take classes both in-person and online, in a mode that is fully compatible with a work activity.

Scientific Direction is assigned to Prof. Federico Rajola, Professor of Corporate Organization and Director of Cetif, and Prof. Matteo Pedrini, Full Professor of Corporate Strategy and Deputy Director of ALTIS.

The Faculty is composed of Professors and Lecturers from Cetif, ALTIS and other leading universities (Italian and international), with specific experience and knowledge on the topics covered by the training course. The Master also benefits from the collaboration of an extensive network of professionals, Top managers and Executives who will bring their testimonies on the main evolutions in the sector and the contribution of high-profile Partners, who are joining the initiative.

"The training of resources," says Prof. Federico Rajola, Director Cetif, "represents an increasingly important asset within companies, because it provides the tools to successfully manage the transition to organizational and business models consistent with an innovative, digitized and sustainable global context. The new Master's program was designed by Cetif and ALTIS to provide the ideal mix of knowledge and skills, while also delving into the goals set by Agenda 2030 and the definition of development plans consistent with the NRP. We are therefore particularly proud that it has obtained the Sponsorship of the Ministry of Ecological Transition."

"Bringing together the outstanding academic expertise of ALTIS and Cetif ," states Prof. Matteo Pedrini, Deputy Director of ALTIS - means being able to offer professionals who within organizations preside over change, the vision and concrete tools to effectively govern the interdependence between innovation and sustainability, in a word: innovability. We are confident that the contents of our Master's program fully respond to the growing demand for higher education that, precisely on these issues, comes to us from companies of all sizes and sectors in our country."