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AXA Italy, announced the launch of the Executive Program "AXA Agents of the Future"

Edited by Affari Italiani
Edited by Affari Italiani

AXA Italia Insurance Group announces the launch of the Executive Program, "AXA Agents of the Future," a training path of excellence dedicated to young agency talent, to develop, in a context of continuous evolution and innovation in the sector, the skills needed by potential agents of the future operating in agencies close to the generational transition. In partnership with Cetif- Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, the training includes lessons in the physical classroom, interspersed with moments in the virtual classroom, for a total of 15 days over five months.


First protagonists, 40 candidates from agencies throughout Italy who, at the end of the course, will be able to test the skills they have acquired by developing a project work. At the heart of the program, training modules designed to provide the tools and skills needed for effective agency management and to take on the challenges of a rapidly evolving industry as protagonists.


Among the contents: a focus on the current scenario and market macro-trends, the regulatory reference context and its evolutions, agency strategy and business plan, but also digital transformation through channel integration, along with skills development on topics such as leadership, governance models, decision making, change management and a focus on customer relations. The new Executive Program further enriches the broad and articulated training project for distribution networks designed by AXA Italia, which has always focused on structured and specialized paths of excellence - with the support of qualified partners and the best Italian Università - to accompany their growth in technical, managerial and digital skills.


"Università AXA Agents" provides development paths for all the different figures operating in the agency, including programs dedicated to the specialization models of Welfare Advis ors and Business Advisors, paths aimed at developing strategic businesses with a high advisory content, such as Health, Commercial Lines, and Employee Benefits, and an increasing focus on sustainability (ESG), through specific training paths on issues related to the role that insurance operators can play in protecting the environment. All in the awareness of the centrality of the agent's role in AXA Italia's strategy, in a market that has long been going through extensive changes that need to be addressed with evolved and modern skills.


"The 'AXA Agents of the Future' Executive Program represents a key step in a journey to make AXA agents key players in the change taking place in our industry," commented Salvatore Cavallaro, Head of Distribution & Sales of AXA Insurance Group Italy."In a context that requires evolved and modern skills, we provide important investments in distinctive and valuable training paths, in partnership with the best of the Italian university scene, to continue to evolve the managerial, technical, commercial, and leadership skills of our agents, looking carefully at young agency talents, the future protagonists of the transformation."


"Over the years Cetif - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore has always certified the skills development of insurance professionals," commented Federico Rajola, Director of Cetif and UCSC Lecturer."This initiative represents a significant step toward training a new generation of agents. In a world of constant change, where emerging risks and customer expectations are rapidly transforming, it is essential that young agency talent be equipped not only with solid technical skills, but also a deep understanding of market dynamics and customer needs. Ongoing training is the key to ensuring that agents can best interpret their role, offering innovative and customized solutions and thus contributing to customer trust and satisfaction."