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    16 Research Hubs focused on dynamics of strategic evolution, regulatory updates, organizational and process practices, and the effects of digitization: we study innovation trends and best practices and share them with our communities.

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CeTIF and Reply take up the challenge of Blockchain and launch the first Blockchain School.

The Blockchain School's training activities will kick off in December with the launch of the "Blockchain Executive Program"
Press releases

Milan, December 10, 2018 - The technology Blockchain has in itself the potential to profoundly revolutionize the paradigms of the economic system, fundamentally changing the concepts of transaction, ownership and trust; its impacts will be evident in all sectors: Banking&Insurance, Government, TelCo&Media, Healthcare, Energy, Manufacturing, Tourism, Real Estate.
"In order for the innovation opportunities arising from blockchain to actually translate into competitive advantage, it is essential for individuals and organizations to acquire new knowledge and skills on the subject," - said Federico Rajola - "That is why CeTIF - in collaboration with Reply - has established the "Blockchain School," a set of training initiatives that will lead us to train professnists capable of proactively interpreting the changes of this disruptive innovation."
The Blockchain Executive Program, the School's first initiative, is set to start in December 2018 and is designed specifically for Managers and Executives from different industries; participants will be Digital Officers, Technology Officers, Innovation Officers, but also Senior Managers from different business functions (Marketing, Operations, Human Resources, Compliance, Legal, Information Technology, Business and Product Development) and individual professionals currently working on projects Blockchain. https://bit.ly/2PuBeWm
Participants will have the opportunity to meet in person visiting professors from some of Europe's leading Università (including Goethe University and the London School of Economics), international speakers and professionals who will share their expertise on blockchain.
The program-which concludes with a final Certification-has been developed with a fully international and cross-industries perspective and provides an in-depth look at the impacts of blockchain on business models, technology, applications and future challenges, the new regulatory framework and Trusted Smart Contracts.
The Blockchain Executive Program provides a learning journey realized in a blended mode that alternates between online training moments (webinar, video lectures, slide sets and case studies) and highly innovative, experiential and engaging classroom teaching (active lab).

This training initiative consolidates the fruitful partnership between CeTIF and Reply, currently engaged in the first Italian Blockchain Sandbox in the insurance field with ANIA and IVASS. https://bit.ly/2EcZwlJ