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The principle of blockchain applied to finance: projects promoted by the Bank of Italy presented in Milan

Edited by La Repubblica | Andrea Greco
Edited by La Repubblica | Andrea Greco

The Milan of doing, which every now and then seems more like making tourist accommodations with a trowel, gets innovative for a day, and thinks of itself as a tech finance hub. Thanks to the Bank of Italy, which launched Milano Hub two years ago and yesterday put it on the road, presenting 14 projects that decline across the entire spectrum of finance the 2022 call for proposals: "Application of distributed ledger technology (Dlt, Digital ledger technology) to banking, financial, insurance and payment services." The principle of blockchain, already established in global finance because it allows for digital certainty of consistencies, transactions and operations.

The authority that oversees banks, depowered years ago with the birth of the Banking Union and Frankfurt's single supervision of large European institutions, has chosen Milano Hub as a "catalyst for its institutional functions," focused on innovation and offering services based on in-house expertise, from regulatory dialogue to market experimentation, to foster the Fintech ecosystem that has set its capital in the city for years - and facilitate "good innovation" at the service of citizens and businesses; starting with banking companies, which maintain their strongholds in the city.

A physical place too, which has been based for two years in Viale Brenta, decentralized from the palace in Via Cordusio. A different step from Consob, which especially in the presidency of Paolo Savona (from 2019), does not like too much to leave Urbe. This was noted yesterday by Mayor Giuseppe Sala, a front-row guest at the event: "That Consob is not in Milan is a bit of a strange thing. What they had explained to me when I tried to insist on this issue was that there would be union problems and difficulties of people who are employed in Rome today to come to Milan, which is understandable. However, I think of Sky, I think it was a good operation for them to move to Milan.

In private certain things are done, in public apparently not. I've come to terms with that." Host Alessandra Perrazzelli, who in Milan was a banker in Barclays and is now deputy director general of Bankitalia: "We received an unexpected number of projects, in quantity and quality: about 60 from 85 proponents. But it is now that the interesting part begins, understanding how Dlt technology can lead to sustainable and innovative models in the market."

The executive added, "We see a momentous change in the industry, and a need to change the ways in which we work. And at this time of great uncertainty, it is precisely these realities that give us the conviction that we are the great country that we are, inclusive and open to innovation."

The 2022 call was aimed at three types of entities, both Italian and foreign (14 percent of the applications came from the U.S., Europe, and Asia): the Fintech Hub category, dedicated to non-banking companies, received 47 applications; the Innovation Hub dedicated to banking, financial, and insurance intermediaries another 6; and the R&D Hub 4 ideas from università, institutes, and entities.

In the Fintech Hub area, the following were chosen: Abi Lab with Leonidas, an effective settlement project on Dlt for interbank transactions; Algorand Labs with a tokenization platform for government securities; Cetif Advisory with a token (digital asset) trial for the secondary market; Checksig with "Individual Reserve Test (Pri)"; Conio with a "euro token" among commercial banks; Cyberneid with "Soulbound token for electronic customer identity in Web 3.0"; Real house with "A bridge between finance and blockchain to support enterprises."

For the Innovation Hub, the proposals chosen are 3: Banca Sella with the issuance of an e-money token guaranteed by a digital account; Credem Euromobiliare Pb on Dlt digitization of corporate merger processes; Davis & Morgan on investing in mortgage credits via token; Sace with "Eureka European Export blocK-chain Aggregator." Finally, for the R&D Hub area, 4 projects; the association blockchain Italia with "Rechain, Dlt for bank guarantees"; Assogestioni "Dlt and managed savings"; and the Politecnico di Milano with a project by blockchain for transparency in fund management.