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Orienting the future by enhancing the experiences of the present

Reale Mutua, training from physical to digital
Edited by Interview with Claudia Percivalle | Manager of training - Reale Mutua Insurance / Change Management Department / Academy
Edited by Interview with Claudia Percivalle | Manager of training - Reale Mutua Insurance / Change Management Department / Academy

Companies in all sectors, due to the ongoing health emergency, have been forced to rethink their internal structure and reorganize their work.

The use of smartworking has proven effective even for the most reticent, showing how digital adoption has led, in a great many cases, to improved productivity and work organization.

Training has also had to change its method on the run; teaching, previously delivered almost entirely in presence, has moved massively online, allowing continuity of school and university activities, without suffering setbacks. Likewise, vocational training has had to manage this new situation, while at the same time finding interlocutors capable of meeting these new demands.

CeTIF Banking & Insurance Academy redesigns four-handedly with Reale Mutua Insurance the custom course on the tools and methodologies of Compliance aimed at Function Managers, originally designed in-person at the company's headquarters.

Claudia Percivalle, Manager of training - Reale Mutua Insurance / Change Management Department / Academy explains how this educational reorganization has affected effectiveness and how this new approach to digital, even in interprofessional Higher Education, can be an added value in the future.

Cetif : The current emergency situation has inevitably led to a push for digital adoption in many areas and accelerating the process in others, such as training. How do you think this new educational approach can be positive and beneficial for the training and professional development of employees?

C.P . "In recent weeks Reale Group 'sAcademy has seen extensive use of distance learning: employees are participating in virtual classrooms with increasing familiarity with tools and approaches, appreciating the opportunity to interact and actively participate. We designed the training, both technical and behavioral in content, by providing a shorter duration modulation than the full day of the traditional in-person classroom; the training modules, of 2 or 3 hours each, fit easily into the work schedule and are spread over several days or weeks, allowing us to enhance, between one training moment and the next, field experiments of the content learned. Initial feedback received from colleagues is positive in terms of the effectiveness and efficiency of this teaching modality. Careful evaluation will certainly be needed in guiding the future, enhancing the experiments of this period so as to consolidate the beneficial aspects, without underestimating the usefulness and value that, in some experiential circumstances, the in-presence mode brings with it and develops."   

Cetif : In light of this emergency situation then, why do you think it is important that vocational training does not stop but continues online?

C.P. "In this time of social distancing and isolation at home, it has proved very important to be able to offer professional training opportunities in online mode and with virtual classrooms. The latter have been a valuable "space" of closeness and confrontation between people, in the sign of continuity. At the same time, we think that everyone's commitment to enriching knowledge and skills, strengthening the person and his or her professionalism, is the flywheel of a positive projection into tomorrow, however uncertain."