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Workshop "Data Driven Claim Management" | 2019

The themes of the event, as told by some of the participants.
Edited by. Cetif
Edited by. Cetif

Know your customer better: use all the information you have gathered during the course of the relationship or that you can gather in the network, use the technology you have at your disposal, and so you can manage your customer's expectations. Prevent adverse events rather than reimburse claims. These are the lines of development for insurance companies.
The objective of workshop was to analyze the feasibility of new business models that are spreading in the market and to trace the state of the art of Italian Companies in developing innovative processes related to claims management.
The proceedings were opened by a speech by Chiara Frigerio, Secretary General CeTIF, who asked the speakers some questions related to the state of the art in the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies and what spillover in organizational models and skills useful for claims management.

Reviewing the activities developed by CeTIF for insurance companies and specifically in the area of claims, Chiara Frigerio highlighted how we have moved from "customer services" in 2016 to theclaims customer experience of 2018, to today's data driven claims with the goal for next year to see a real time claim i.e., claim settlement in an extremely short time frame.


Packed with information is the presentation by Massimo Treffiletti, head for the National Insurance Association(ANIA) of the CARD service, or the convention between insurers for direct compensation, other Associative Agreements, and the Antifraud theme.

To frame the topic of claims management, in the field of motor liability, it is good to start from the fact that the total cost of claims settled in 2017 was 10 billion euros, of which 3.1 bn was for property damage and 6.9 bn for personal injury. Another major issue in claims management is the issue of "fraud." According to data IVASS, in 2017 22.4 percent of reported accidents were at risk of fraud, with peaks of 44 percent in some areas of the South.

Against this backdrop is the insurance market, which is working for a reform of the direct compensation procedure, the presence of implementing regulations on black boxes consistent with the expectations of insurance companies, and the implementation of claim reporting in digital format. If this is the present in the near future and thanks to the huge amount of data collected and recorded by telematics devices, companies will have the opportunity to transform their business model by offering additional high value-added services.


UnipolSai 's experience in using data in claims management processes was presented by. Norberto Odorico, Claims Director. The conceptual map that guides the activity in claims management starts from the acquisition of data: telematic, documentary, transactional or externally acquired. Through special algorithms, the data is transformed into information that goes into the company's operational processes with the goal of effectiveness and efficiency for both the customer and the company.

Liquido is the tool created, in house, by UnipolSai to manage, in input, a very considerable amount of documents amounting to 700 thousand of which 540 thousand claims and 80 thousand court documents. The reading of incoming "metadata" is entrusted to a series of tools that have the ultimate task of matching the document to a claim and automatically creating the activity for managing the claim and suggesting to operators what other data should be entered into the management system.

Relative to the phenomenon of fraud, the company has implemented highly advanced solutions, which through machine learning techniques analyze high volumes of data to attribute, in real time, User-interpretable predictions about practices under management.


Generali Italia has devised a new service model to closely follow up with clients harmed by a natural disaster: "Here for you - the Natural Events Team immediately at your side" while "Fianco A Fianco" is an additional service that complements the regular Motor Liability policy as Generali Italia stands by the victims of serious traffic accidents. Projects presented by. Giuliano Basile, head of Claims for Generali Italia.

So, insurance services that aim to be "life partners in people's relevant moments." For example, in the specific segment of mobility Generali insures the movement of people, not just the car. While in the field of health, solutions are proposed for an always active and autonomous state of fitness.


Increasing efficiency, reducing costs, increasing customer satisfaction: these are the main goals of AVIVA: "we manage, consciously or unconsciously, an incredible amount of data and information, and not taking advantage of this opportunity is clearly a mistake. Analysis and management are essential to our main goals." Also for Andrea Abbondi, Head of Claims Management at the British insurance company, analytics and innovation turn out to be key words for creating a new way of doing insurance.

For the Italian market, Aviva has focused on two areas: fraud detection to safeguard asset integrity and claims segmentation to propose innovative claims settlement services starting from the construction of a costumer score that allows for an efficient settlement inquiry that reduces analysis time and generates a better service towards policyholders.
The objective, for excellent clients, is to realize a process that ends with self-liquidation allowing the insured, by claim types and amount, to act proactively in the settlement process in a self-service perspective, up to formulating the settlement proposal.


Also for Verti, an emanation of the MAPFRE insurance group present in 5 continents and a leader in the Spanish insurance market, technology supports the claims service offered to clients. Dario Vullo, head of Claims represented this by presenting the claims process starting from the axiom that "the client expects to be accompanied step by step especially in a delicate moment like the claim."
The "Automation" project was developed in a context of prevalence of documentation already in digital format (more than 85 percent) but high complexity and number of document types (about 150). Alongside document management, claim management is developed in three stages: communication to the customer, activation of the CARD agreement and finally settlement.