• Membership

    More than 30,000 professionals make up the ecosystem of Cetif: we facilitate the meeting and exchange between banks, insurers and companies in an academic Center, competent and independent environment to share knowledge, experience and strategies on the most innovative drivers of change.

  • Research

    16 Research Hubs focused on dynamics of strategic evolution, regulatory updates, organizational and process practices, and the effects of digitization: we study innovation trends and best practices and share them with our communities.

  • Events

    Over 60 events including Main events (Workshop and Summit) and Community events (related to research activities) and Webinar: we bring together banks, insurance companies and businesses for shared growth on trends and challenges to outline innovative development strategies.


Master of Insurance Management: Innovation, Sustainability and International Scenarios

First Level University Master's Degree - Fifth Edition
march 2025 - march 2026
Università Cattolica - Largo Gemelli, 1 - Milan

Insurance companies are traditionally marked by their social role
towards the individual, the community, families, the world of production, the state
and markets. Therefore, the insurance industry is committed to seizing multiple
development opportunities by leveraging innovation both by renewing its
strategy and its business and service models, as well as by investing in the acquisition
of new professional and technological skills. In this context, ANIA
and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore consider it a priority to train new
professional figures that combine technical skills and digital competencies, capable
of operating in international contexts and attentive to issues of sustainability
(business, social, technological, environmental, etc.).



march 2025 - march 2026
Contact a tutor
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Registration fee
Total share
9,500 (in three installments)*
Discounts and economic benefits

Why choose us

"Thanks to the master's program, I was able to expand my knowledge related to the insurance field. By focusing on innovation, business models and its new products, as well as the legal framework, I understood how much this path allows to create a broad view of the industry. The topics covered in the classes are always current and constantly being updated; since the beginning of this path, I have also had the opportunity to be enriched by my colleagues and their different work experiences. With L'InsurTech & AI Lab, we had the opportunity to challenge ourselves by developing digital and soft skills." - Erica Bianchi, 4th Ed. student of the Master's program
"The context in which we are living and my personal work-life experiences allowed me to fully grasp the contents of the master's program, which I found, honestly, concrete, completely usable and quickly applicable to my work and professional context. In particular, the experience related to life insurance allowed me to learn in a complete and in-depth way about an interesting sector that I had never dealt with directly. It was a real opportunity to grow and increase my skills in insurance and risk management, aspects that I strongly believe should be enhanced in all sectors, in particular, in the agri-environmental one, in a risk management process that must necessarily involve all company figures for an integrated approach and that lays its foundations on technological innovation." - Eleonora Odorizzi, student of the 3rd Ed. of the Master's program

Distinctive features

Training Objectives.

Master's program enables participants to:

  • Acquire the basics of insurance management principles on the national and international insurance system and elements strategic, organizational and technological change that characterize it; 
  • to understand opportunities for business innovation that can result from the application of new technologies and distribution models;
  • Deepen sustainability strategies in terms of product (ESG) and operating models;
  • to know evolving trends of the industry with an international perspective (globalization of markets, interconnected ecosystems, legal framework of innovation, geopolitical and sociological profiles, etc.);
  • Deepen knowledge of foreign languages applied to the insurance industry;
  • Equip themselves with key soft skills and competencies (soft skills) required by the market for managerial professionals.
To whom it is addressed

he Master's degree is aimed at:

  • graduates and undergraduates (bachelor's, master's, old-school) mainly from the Faculties of Economics and Banking, Finance and Insurance Sciences, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Computer Science,Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering, Law, Political and Social Sciences, Psychology, as well as graduates from other faculties or with equivalent foreign degrees. Additional courses of study will be evaluated individually.

The Master's program is also aimed at:

- Young professionals who wish to strengthen their skills in the insurance industry

- insurance agents and brokers

Professional Opportunities

Professionals trained by the Master's program will be experts in digital innovation in the insurance industry capable of operating in an international context, more specifically within:                

  • Insurance companies, agents and insurance brokers 
  • Other banking and financial companies active in the insurance industry
  • Trade Associations, European Institutions, Supervisory Bodies (ANIA, EIOPA, IVASS, ESMA etc...) 
  • Consulting company and software house 
  • Startups and InsurTech 

Professional opportunities

Teaching structure and articulation

The Master's degree is delivered in Italian and has a one-year duration of1,500 hoursand60 CFUs. The Master's program will start inMarch 2025and end inMarch 2026. The teaching program includes alternating synchronous classroom training (delivered in dual mode, thus usable both in presence and remotely), asynchronous teaching content(slide sets and video lectures) and internship or Innovation Project activities. Synchronous classroom lectures and application labs will be concentrated in 10 short weeks. Each short week will be structured with weekend formula: Thursday from 5 to 9 p.m., Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Attendance for at least 75% of the hours is mandatory.

For those who wish to attend classroom lectures in presence, these will be held atUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore , Milan campus**. (**In the event that in-person classes cannot be held, it will be ensured that all educational activities will be available online via the Blackboard E-Learning platform.

Students will participate in an engaging, effective and interactive educational experience; webinar, online meeting, video lectures, digital lab, quizzes, group work are just some of the activities planned). 

ACurricular Internshipis also planned to be carried out at insurance companies associated with ANIA and/or partners in the network of Cetif. As an alternative to the Internship, the participant may choose to carry out anInnovation Project, consisting of the writing of a paper under the supervision of a Master's teacher or a company Tutor appointed by the Management. The Master's program will conclude with a Graduation Day.  

Course Schedule.
