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More than 30,000 professionals make up the ecosystem of Cetif: we facilitate the meeting and exchange between banks, insurers and companies in an academic Center, competent and independent environment to share knowledge, experience and strategies on the most innovative drivers of change.
16 Research Hubs focused on dynamics of strategic evolution, regulatory updates, organizational and process practices, and the effects of digitization: we study innovation trends and best practices and share them with our communities.
Over 60 events including Main events (Workshop and Summit) and Community events (related to research activities) and Webinar: we bring together banks, insurance companies and businesses for shared growth on trends and challenges to outline innovative development strategies.
More than 40 Executive Education tracks, 4 Master's programs and numerous Company Specific Programs: we transfer innovative financial-oriented content with a scientific approach.
An experimental spin off combining academic research and entrepreneurial approach: we turn innovation and digitization into a concrete business advantage.
Within the Insurance Blockchain Sandbox initiative, a blockchain based platform was piloted that enables insurance companies to create new parametric smart policies that enable them to respond to customer needs by providing innovative products.
The platform enables enterprises to customize the configuration of insurance products and manage the end-to-end digital policy lifecycle more efficiently and quickly.
The use case was developed through the design approach of Insurance Blockchain Sandbox .
AON, Banca Popolare di Sondrio, Banca Mediolanum, Mediolanum Assicurazioni, NOBIS, Reale Group and UBI participated in the initiative promoted by Cetif Advisory and Reply, with the collaboration of IVASS.
All players played an active role during all the different phases of the initiative: from the concept design of the platform to the placement of the policies on a restricted market for the three-month period.
Within Sandbox was the blockchain based platform that enabled participating banks and insurance companies to be able to place three parametric, pre-determined indemnity, self-liquidating guarantees: weather, flight delay, and baggage delay.