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Digital Lending: the new frontier of credit

How is Digital Lending redefining the future of credit?


The rise of Digital Lending: changes in the credit market and key trends


The banking industry and the credit market are undergoing a profound transformation, driven by evolving consumer needs and technological innovation. The adoption of advanced solutions based on artificial intelligence andembedded finance is redefining how financial services are delivered and enjoyed, revolutionizing the user experience and making it more fluid, efficient and personalized.


Banked customers are increasingly resorting to digital solutions, with growing use of online banking (about 60 percent of active customers on mobile banking in 2024) and a reduction in interactions with the physical channel. In response to these changes, financial institutions are optimizing their physical network (about 4 thousand fewer branches in Italy between 2019 and 2024) and strengthening their digital offerings. Digital daily banking is now a standard, while the demand for more advanced digital solutions, such as online loans, is becoming a real need (about 30 percent of customers use them).


In this scenario, Digital Lending emerges as a strategic engine for growth. A fast, flexible and inclusive solution, which to date is also emerging as reliable with the development of advanced fraud prevention tools and from risk assessment models.

The characteristics and dynamics of digital lending products


Digital lending has experienced exponential growth in recent years, driven by evolving consumer behavior and the expansion of e-commerce. By 2029, the sector is expected to account for about 30 percent of total lending, with a growth trend involving all credit categories.


In particular, simpler and lower ticket products are riding the digital transformation with finalized loans and BNPL showing higher annual growth of 100 percent and 80 percent respectively between 2019 and 2024. Although solutions dedicated to more complex needs, such as mortgages, are also benefiting from the adoption of advanced technologies (e.g., artificial intelligence and remote assessments), digital disbursements are growing more slowly (+18 percent between 2019 and 2024).


Leading this evolutionary trend are typically young, male, North-Italians with high incomes, while traditional channels such as the branch continue to be preferred in the South. An exception is presented by the BNPL sector, where the female sex is predominant.


The Digital Lending Observatory.


In order to understand and anticipate the latest news on Digital Lending, a dedicated initiative was born between three partners: Monitor Deloitte, Experian and Cetif. The goal is to develop an Observatory dedicated to the evolution of Digital Lending through a data-driven analysis capable of combining consulting and academic expertise with Experian and SIC sources. Each edition explores the growth prospects of different lending segments, key consumer characteristics, and the latest technological innovations that are transforming the industry.
