• Membership

    More than 30,000 professionals make up the ecosystem of Cetif: we facilitate the meeting and exchange between banks, insurers and companies in an academic Center, competent and independent environment to share knowledge, experience and strategies on the most innovative drivers of change.

  • Research

    16 Research Hubs focused on dynamics of strategic evolution, regulatory updates, organizational and process practices, and the effects of digitization: we study innovation trends and best practices and share them with our communities.

  • Events

    Over 60 events including Main events (Workshop and Summit) and Community events (related to research activities) and Webinar: we bring together banks, insurance companies and businesses for shared growth on trends and challenges to outline innovative development strategies.



08.06.2022 10:00 - 16:30

Presentation of the summit

The first Summit in 2022 will delve into the trends that are transforming the financial industry by changing its boundaries, business models and stakeholder value.

Among the topics under investigation:

  • The new competitive arena of the financial sector, between globalization, digitization, and customer experience
  • The new business models to recover profitability and competitiveness of the industry
  • Sustainability, trust, relationship with the territory for reconstruction
  • ESG and digital: how to communicate stakeholder value?
  • Global banks and territorial bulletin boards: how to sustain growth


Federico Rajola
Full Professor of Business Organization and Director Cetif
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Introduces and moderates
Antonella Occhino
Full Professor of Labor Law, Faculty of Economics
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Institutional greeting
Massimo Doria
Senior Manager
Bank of Italy
Paul Gerardini
Vice President Credit and Finance and President Small Industry
They discuss.
  • Imanuel Baharier
  • Fabio Carniol
  • Oscar Di Montigny
  • Francis Mele
  • Paola Papanicolaou
  • Bruno Scaroni
  • Francesca Sesia
  • Elvio Sonnino
  • Alberto Vacca
They discuss.
Antonio Sorrentino
Core Faculty
Introduces and presents the awards
  • Damiano Carrara
  • Maurizio Fabbro
  • Maria Luisa Parmigiani
  • Carmelo Reale
  • Raffaele G. Rizzi
They discuss.
  • Marco Barioni
  • Alessandro Biancini
  • Fabio Carniol
  • Eugene Cervetto
  • Marco Cometti
  • Luca Gasparini
They discuss.


Companies and technology partners involved in development.