• Membership

    More than 30,000 professionals make up the ecosystem of Cetif: we facilitate the meeting and exchange between banks, insurers and companies in an academic Center, competent and independent environment to share knowledge, experience and strategies on the most innovative drivers of change.

  • Research

    16 Research Hubs focused on dynamics of strategic evolution, regulatory updates, organizational and process practices, and the effects of digitization: we study innovation trends and best practices and share them with our communities.

  • Events

    Over 60 events including Main events (Workshop and Summit) and Community events (related to research activities) and Webinar: we bring together banks, insurance companies and businesses for shared growth on trends and challenges to outline innovative development strategies.



13.11.2019 10:30 - 16:30
Analytics 2 Experience

Presentation of the summit

The Digital Transformation is sweeping the financial sector, disrupting its business and technology models, approaches to innovation, and governance strategies. At the same time, incoming regulations place the focus on the centrality of data management and services delivered through these new paradigms and promote the adoption of a new mindset in controls and in the relationship with the end customer and the Regulators.

The Fall CeTIF Summit , which presents the final results of the 2019 research, is a seminar-style meeting organized in a plenary session and subsequent thematic sessions, with the aim of delving into the aforementioned topics through the presentation of HUB results and commentary by market players and to support the fertilization of the Italian financial system.


Federico Rajola
Full Professor of Business Organization and Director Cetif
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Opening remarks by Prof. Federico Rajola
Francisco Jaramillo
Head of Traditional Banking
Keynote speech by Dr. Francisco Jaramillo
James Schlieff
Business Development Fintech and Digital Banking
Keynote speech by Dr. James Schlieff
Chiara Frigerio
Professor of Business Organization and Secretary General Cetif
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Plenary session moderator Prof. Chiara Frigerio
Giuseppe D'Agostino
Deputy Director General
Bird & Bird LLP
The digitization of financial services
Download the talk
Giovanni Sandri
Country Head
Wealth Tech Role in Evolution of Wealth Management Industry
Download the talk
Maria Angela Albertotti
Welfare and Protection Manager
Talk by Dr. Maria Angela Albertotti
Francis Bellifemine
Director. Healthcare & Smart Cities.
Customer Cluster Telemedicine Services and Medical Central
Download the talk
Elena Breno
Director - Head of Innovation Design
Talk by Dr. Elena Breno
Edoardo Fontana Rava
Head of product and Business Model Development
Banca Mediolanum
Talk by Dr. Edoardo Fontana Rava
Andrea Mencattini
Head of Governance & Institutional Relations
Talk by Dr. Andrea Mencattini
Paolo Gatelli
Senior Research Manager
Payment disruptive experience
Download the talk
Dirk Pinamonti
Head of e-Commerce
The Evolution of Digital Payments in Italy
Download the talk
Erika Toso
Head of South East Europe
ISO 20022 from a Business perspective. What benefits?
Download the talk
Giovanni Pietrobelli
Digital Ecosystem in Trade Finance
Download the talk
Alfonso Santilli
Credimpex President - Member of the ICC Banking Commission and ICC Italy - Adjunct professor for the Carint Master 2023/2024 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Credimpex Italy
Talk by Dr. Alfonso Santilli
Andrea Coppini
Digital Innovatione and Multichannel Division Manager
Iccrea Cooperative Banking Group
Talk by Dr. Andrea Coppini
Luca Daniele
Chief Financial Officer
Talk by Dr. Luca Daniele
John Vattani
Head of Business Development
Talk by Dr. Giovanni Vattani
Federico Zambelli Hosmer
General Manager Italy
PayPal Italy
Talk by Dr. Federico Zambelli Hosmer
Crypt Great Hall
William Marenaci
Squad Leader - Ecosystem Projects
Cetif Advisory
Digital Compliance Focus: From KYCustomerto KYData: Controls in the Digital Experience
Download the talk
Martina Bignami
Chief of the Regulatory and Supervisory Policy Service.
Regulation and Oversight of Data Governance of Insurance Companies.
Download the talk
Giuseppe Bresciani
Head of Group Compliance Risk Monitoring & Control Assurance
Talk by Dr. Giuseppe Bresciani
Daniele De Vita
Chief Analytics Officer
BNP Paribas Cardif Italy
Talk by Dr. Daniele De Vita
Francesco Martiniello
Head of Compliance & AML
Talk by Dr. Francesco Martiniello
Davide Morandi
Chief Compliance Officer and Data Protection Officer of Credem Group.
Credem Bank
Intervention by Dr. Morandi
Mary Immaculate Hall
Charles La Rosa
Digital HR 2019
Download the talk
Barbara Preti
HR Director
Employee Experience in a Digital People Strategy
Download the talk
Marcello Bugari
Head of Academy and Internal Communication
Reale Mutua Assicurazioni
Talk by Dr. Marcello Bugari
Dario Ceruti
Human Resources Coordination and Planning Manager
Talk by Dr. Dario Ceruti
Donato Lacerenza
HR Manager
Zurich Insurance Company
Talk by Dr. Donato Lacerenza
Caterina Spigaroli
Selection and Development Manager
Talk by Dr. Caterina Spigaroli

Proceedings of the event