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The impacts of the Health Emergency on the financial system: scenario analysis and development of predictive models to prepare for recovery

30.04.2020 10:00 - 13:00
Strategic planning

Presentation of the webinar

The health emergency we are experiencing globally and the social distancing measures that have been taken at the national level have disrupted, among other things, the relationship between bank and customer, imposing extensive and daily use of digital tools both for the use of services and for relationship management.The productive fabric, to which the credit business predominantly caters, has suffered an abrupt and heavy reset, suggesting that the models hitherto used for scoring and liquidity management will have to be reconsidered and carefully reshaped. Analysis of the current scenario gives evidence of the sudden readjustment of their habits for those categories of users who until a month ago were refractory to communicating remotely in synchronous mode and who did not contemplate making use of e-commerce platforms. The motivations are mainly social and based on basic needs (care of the affections, online spending) but the impact on financial services is already evident. Thus, it will be possible to obtain benefits as a result of the strategic decisions made during this period. First, those of a transactional nature, given the closure of branches and contingent management of customer appointments institutions will be able to observe concrete results of hypothetical scenarios discussed in recent years. Second, the benefits will also be evident on the distribution and brokerage side, which, at this delicate time, have discovered in the remote relationship an indispensable ally for not losing customer trust and for developing new business. It is too early to say whether these trends will be confirmed in the future, when the current emergency has passed. But it is quite clear that the acquired habits will be an important driver for innovating the service model toward hybrid forms, where the remoteization of some phases of the relationship will no longer be a taboo for distribution.

The CeTIF - Research Center atUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in collaboration with SAS opens the doors to a series of 3 Webinar regarding the impacts of the Health Emergency on the financial system on the following topics:

  • Strategic planning
  • Credit process
  • Digital Identity & Fraud Payments

The series of meetings will feature representatives from major banking institutions that are addressing these issues.  

The first meeting on Thursday, April 30, 2020, titled: "The Impacts of the Health Emergency on the Financial System: scenario analysis and development of predictive models to prepare for recovery" will focus on how to plan for management and prevention in banking of the major impacts Covid-19 is having on facilities and customers.  

Agenda of the day

Marco Lossani
Full professor of Economics
"The expected economic effects of lockdown for credit and liquidity."
Download the talk
Alessandra Villa
Business Solution Leader, Risk Management
Scenario-basedanalysis for envisioning the future of the interconnected financial system - How to make the best decisions by leveraging new indicators in a highly volatile operating environment
Download the talk
Antonio Bucci
Chief Risk Officer
Banca Generali
Talk by Dr. Antonio Bucci
Franco Casiraghi
Chief Financial Officer
Crédit Agricole Auto Bank
Talk by Dr. Franco Casiraghi
Chiara Celsi
Juno Consulting
Talk by Dr. Chiara Celsi
Arianna Deidda
Head of Risk Governance Department
Talk by Dr. Arianna Deidda

Proceedings of the event