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Consolidating Solvency II toward IFRS 17

26.06.2018 12:00 - 13:30
Impacts for risk management and governance of insurance companies

Presentation of the workshop

The Solvency II directive requires insurance companies to adopt new strategic and management processes based on risk assessment. At the same time, the new IFRS financial statements present important changes in terms of classification and measurement of financial assets, as well as with respect to impairment methods. In addition, with IFRS 17, which will be in application in 2021, there will also be a change for product development and distribution and strategic planning methods. In this context, what are actually the expected impacts, and how are Companies preparing? What synergies exist between the different models, and how can they be exploited?

Target Audience: the meeting is aimed at General Management, Accounting, Risk Management and Actuarial, Audit and Compliance, Strategic Planning and Management Control, Information Systems and Organization, and Insurance Technical functions.

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