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Data Driven Claim Management

20.03.2019 10:00 - 13:30
The new scenarios of claims management

Presentation of the workshop

Claims management processes are experiencing dramatic changes, thanks to the increasing implementation of new technologies leading to the development of innovative business models. Consider the success some players have seen with the issuance of instant policies. All this has been made possible by the spread of IoT and analytics tools for data collection and processing, which have enabled companies to gain greater insight into their policyholders.

All of this has been made possible thanks to the spread of IoT and analytics tools for data collection and processing, which have enabled Companies to gain greater insight into their policyholders. The goal of workshop is therefore to analyze the feasibility of the new business models that are spreading in the market and to track the state of the art of Italian Companies in developing innovative processes related to claims management.

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Agenda of the day

Crypt Great Hall
Chiara Frigerio
Professor of Business Organization and Secretary General Cetif
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Digital Insurance and customer experience: the challenges for claims management
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Massimo Treffiletti
Head of CARD Service, Association Agreements, Anti-Fraud.
Evolution of claims management in an evolving regulatory and technological landscape
Scarica l'intervento
Norberto Odorico
Chief Claims Officer
Unipol Insurance
Using data in claims management processes: the experience of UnipolSai
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Giuliano Basile
Chief Claims Officer
Generali Italy
The new paradigm in claims management
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Andrea Abbondi
Claims Director
Allianz Viva
Analitycs and innovation: the future in the sinistr
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Dario Vullo
Claims Director
Nobis Insurance Company
Technology to support the claims service offered to customers
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Proceedings of the event