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Disruptive Payments: between Blockchain, Instantaneity and new players

13.03.2019 10:00 - 16:30
In the payment scenario

Presentation of the workshop

Numerous innovations are affecting the payments industry. From the ability to make instant payments for P2P, P2B, and B2B cash transfers, to the application of new technologies that can facilitate the exchange of money while ensuring high levels of security.

Blockchain is challenging traditional banking systems by offering secure and reliable solutions. In addition, new players are entering the payments market, providing value-added services that compete with those offered by Banks, in part due to the easier access to data enabled by PSD2.  

Agenda of the day

Federico Rajola
Full Professor of Business Organization and Director Cetif
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Opening remarks by Prof. Federico Rajola
Domenico Gammaldi
Co-Central Director
Bank of Italy
Technological innovation and payments: competitive landscape and regulatory outlook
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Luca Gasparini
General Manager
BCC CreditoConsumo
Digital Payment in Iccrea Bank: an innovation model serving customers
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Salvatore Borgese
Senior Director
The entry of PSD2, Fintech and Bigtech as accelerators of innovation
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Barbara D'Acierno
Head of customer value management
Scenarios and opportunities: the vision of the Italian Postal Service Group
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Roberto Catanzaro
Executive Director, Chief Strategy & Transformation Officer
Invisible payments and tomorrow's consumers: Nexi's view
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Nicolò Romani
Head of Digital HUB
The evolution of payments: instant payments and blockchain
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Alessandro Zollo
Chief Executive Officer and General Manager
The digital journey of Bancomat SpA
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Paolo Gatelli
Senior Research Manager
Moderator of the afternoon session Dr. Paolo Gatelli
Gregory Chenue
Project coordinator Blockchain and cryptoassets
The blockchain for payments, for finance and beyond
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Luca Vanini
Head of Group Product Development Payments Global Transaction Banking
2019 Payments Scenario
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Sergio Dalla Riva
Head of IMI Corporate & Investment Banking
Intesa Sanpaolo
Open Banking before PSD2 case studies
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Pierluigi Giacomello
Tecmarket Services CEO and Digital Channels Manager.
Banco BPM
Disruptive payments: the Banco BPM approach for the corporate world
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Proceedings of the event