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    16 Research Hubs focused on dynamics of strategic evolution, regulatory updates, organizational and process practices, and the effects of digitization: we study innovation trends and best practices and share them with our communities.

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Insurance brokerage 2022

27.10.2021 10:00 - 13:30
Agents, brokers and the role of bancassurance in recovery

Presentation of the workshop

The workshop aims to chart the next challenges in the world of insurance brokerage between new players and digital.

Among the topics that will be explored:

  • The brokerage market: new models of consulting and sustainability 
  • Digital in brokerage: that support? 
  • The risks and regulation of brokerage 
  • The insurance consultant of the future: where are we in the evolution? 
  • Bancassurance: models, strategies and innovative projects 


Agenda of the day

William Marenaci
Squad Leader - Ecosystem Projects
Cetif Advisory
The Bionic Distribution: new service models between transparency and omnichannelity
Download the talk
Vincenzo Cirasola
Anapa - ImpresAgenzia Network
Business growth of the agency channel in times of pandemic: lessons learned and open challenges
Martina Bignami
Chief of the Regulatory and Supervisory Policy Service.
News in the insurance regulatory framework. Effects on distribution channels
Antonia Boccadoro
Secretary General
Brokerage risks and new competition scenarios between process digitization and regulation
Download the talk
Tiziana Lamberti
Executive Director Head of Sales & Marketing Management Wealth Management & Protection
Intesa Sanpaolo
Bancassurance: an opportunity for the whole market
Download the talk
Ezio Peroni
Distribution Manager
Alleanza Insurance
The role of the next-generation insurance consultant
Download the talk
Andrea Trivellato
Head of Hubs & Excellence Agencies Sales Growth
Zurich Insurance Group Italy
The insurance consultant of the future: where do we stand?
Download the talk

Proceedings of the event
