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    16 Research Hubs focused on dynamics of strategic evolution, regulatory updates, organizational and process practices, and the effects of digitization: we study innovation trends and best practices and share them with our communities.

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Auto claims

23.03.2022 10:00 - 13:30
From digital to direct compensation overhaul to protect the injured party

Presentation of the workshop

The workshop aims to chart the next challenges for the world of claims management in the auto world, which has undergone a complete overhaul in recent years.

Among the topics covered in the meeting:

  • Customer experience & behavior in auto insurance aftermarket
  • Video-expertise, IOT and new technologies for auto claims management
  • The Convention for Direct Compensation, Micro-permanent and Permanent Disabilities
  • Fraud, AI, new organizational models to improve management efficiency
  • Automobile liability claims handling and the Insurance Arbitrator

Agenda of the day

Chiara Frigerio
Professor of Business Organization and Secretary General Cetif
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Digital Claims: strategies and evolutionary trends
Download the talk
Antonio De Pascalis
Central Director - Head of the Study and Data Management Service
The rca insurance in Italy: revision needs or comprehensive reform?
Download the talk
Norberto Odorico
Chief Claims Officer
UnipolSai Insurance
Use of technology and data in managing injury claims
Download the talk
Giuliano Basile
Chief Claims Officer
Generali Italy
15 years of CARD between false myths and realities
Download the talk
Michele Grilli
Head of Motor Claims
Sara Insurance
Digitizing the claims process in the service of customer experience
Download the talk

Proceedings of the event