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WealthTech: innovation to support financial needs & advisory

15.05.2019 10:00 - 16:00
In the payment scenario

Presentation of the workshop

A concrete use of advanced analytics in Wealth Management can enable the financial advisor and client manager to improve and increase the range of products and services offered to clients. The workshop aims to delve into all the applications of these technologies and its derivations for the end-to-end management of a fully personalized customer experience.

In recent years, the financial advisor has seen his or her role change and innovate thanks to technologies and competitors (FinTech) that increasingly leverage data, from market data to data about clients. Key use cases such as the Robo Advisor, Robo 4 Advisor & Robo Trader are just some of the possible applications of such technologies.

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Agenda of the day

Federico Rajola
Full Professor of Business Organization and Director Cetif
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Opening remarks by Prof. Federico Rajola
Marco Oriani
Core Faculty
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
The new role of the financial advisor between wealthtech and regulatory innovations
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Scarlett Leidi
Deputy General Manager and Chief Wealth and Welfare Officer.
UBI Bank
Innovation and sustainability in consulting : generating value beyond performance
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Fabio Candeli
Chief Executive Officer
Banca Profilo
Technology serving a differentiated and personalized offering in private banking
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Vittorio Gaudio
Director of Asset, Private and Wealth Management
Banca Mediolanum
Behavioral Finance and Asset Protection in Wealth Services Advisory
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Daniela Costa
Senior Economist and Advisor Economic Studies Office.
The digitization of financial investment advice. Attention profiles for the protection of retail investors.
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Generous Perrotta
Financial Manager Advisory
New digital tools. the experience of Banca Generali
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Monica Di Luccio
Marketing Manager
Private banking and digital development
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Andrea Crovetto
Founder - Chief Executive Officer
Epic: a fintech platform for capital markets
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Proceedings of the event