• Membership

    More than 30,000 professionals make up the ecosystem of Cetif: we facilitate the meeting and exchange between banks, insurers and companies in an academic Center, competent and independent environment to share knowledge, experience and strategies on the most innovative drivers of change.

  • Research

    16 Research Hubs focused on dynamics of strategic evolution, regulatory updates, organizational and process practices, and the effects of digitization: we study innovation trends and best practices and share them with our communities.

  • Events

    Over 60 events including Main events (Workshop and Summit) and Community events (related to research activities) and Webinar: we bring together banks, insurance companies and businesses for shared growth on trends and challenges to outline innovative development strategies.


Educational offerings 2024

The ideal solution for your every need
Università Cattolica - Largo Gemelli, 1 - Milan
Enrollment Closure: 31.12.2024

Cetif Academy offers a wide selection of training paths and projects designed for both young undergraduates and graduates and Professionals looking to upskill and reskill their skills and professionalism. 

Below are some of the main activities of Academy:

  • OPEN EXECUTIVE EDUCATION COURSES: Intercompany short courses organized into subject areas.
  • COMPANY SPECIFIC PROGRAM: In-house courses designed on the needs of individual entities.
  • UNIVERSITY MASTERS: designed to offer in-depth, integrated and multidisciplinary knowledge on issues of strategic, technological and organizational innovation in banking and insurance.
  • ACTIVITIES OF CONSULTING AND ADVISORY TO HR DIRECTIONS AND TRAINING: individual projects or Academy co-branded, designed and implemented by Cetif together with the client.
  • ONLINE MICRO-LEARNING TRAINING: Micro-learning content for learning anytime and anywhere
Subject areas
Risk Management, accounting & actuarial science, Digital Innovation & FinTech, Payments, lending, CIB & Wealth, Audit,...
To whom it is addressed

At Cetif Academy every day we respond to the upskilling and reskilling demands of professionals and organizations. The focus on continuous and personalized professional development is an indispensable value for us.

Our educational offerings are aimed at:

- apex bodies and BoD

- top and middle managers

- talent and high potential

- Juniors and recent graduates from the finance, banking and insurance sectors


Formative Objectives.

The training offering is designed to bridge the current and prospective skill gap of financial industry professionals; among the main topics of the 2024 training offering:

  • ESG: between business opportunities and risk management
  • Diversity & Inclusion: cases and applications in the ecosystem finance
  • Future Banking & Insurance: virtual reality, metaverse and new technologies
  • Data & AI for Business
  • Blockchain, Token economy, Crypto and DEFI
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Resilience
  • Ethics of new technologies
  • Dora Regulation: digital operational resilience
  • Next Generation Compliance
  • Analytics 4 Human Capital
The format

The teaching of all training initiatives Cetif Academy involves a mix of theoretical fundamentals and practical applications (e.g., business cases), delivered through the most effective teaching techniques.

Theoretical lectures-delivered in a blended mode, dual mode or online-alternate with moments of role playing, on-the-job training, tutorials, workshop, action learning, and one-on-one meetings.

All courses are compatible with the notices of the main industry Interprofessional Funds (FBA, Fondir, Fondirigenti, Fondimpresa, Fondo Sviluppo, etc.).


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