• Membership

    More than 30,000 professionals make up the ecosystem of Cetif: we facilitate the meeting and exchange between banks, insurers and companies in an academic Center, competent and independent environment to share knowledge, experience and strategies on the most innovative drivers of change.

  • Research

    16 Research Hubs focused on dynamics of strategic evolution, regulatory updates, organizational and process practices, and the effects of digitization: we study innovation trends and best practices and share them with our communities.

  • Events

    Over 60 events including Main events (Workshop and Summit) and Community events (related to research activities) and Webinar: we bring together banks, insurance companies and businesses for shared growth on trends and challenges to outline innovative development strategies.


Master Financial Innovation: Fintech, AI, Blockchain, Cybersecurity and Metaverse

Level I university master's degree - 8th edition
November 2024 - November 2025
Università Cattolica - Largo Gemelli, 1 - Milan
Scholarships available!
With enrollment by
Number allowed: 40

The demand for digital skills in Italy is growing continuously to the point that our country, together with Spain, expresses the highest demand for Professionals in the field.

Banks and Insurance, by virtue of their driving role in the economy, are not only looking for young digital professionals, but are also called upon to significantly upskill their staff to cope with innovation in their products and services.

Against this backdrop, there is an emerging need to train professionals who appropriate the skills that the market demands such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, cybersecurity, metaverse and token economy, big data and advanced analytics, digital marketing and digital business.

In an open innovation context, knowledge of new digital players is also essential: FinTech, InsurTech and RegTech, which students will have the opportunity to learn about through practical cases and Italian and international testimonials, as well as to put their entrepreneurship skills into practice through specific dedicated workshops.


November 2024 - November 2025
Subject areas
Digital Innovation & FinTech
Contact a tutor
Registration fee
Total share
9,500 in three installments*
Discounts and economic benefits

Why choose us

This new edition of the Master will see the active participation of Israeli testimonials and startuppers who will enrich the training course with their deep culture and vision on digital innovation. An integral part of the Master is the internship or Project Work thanks to which students will have the opportunity to acquire the appropriate skills for immediate access into the world of work; there will also be numerous networking opportunities with Italian and international professionals (thanks to the collaboration with the Israeli fintech ecosystem). The content covered by the Master's degree is therefore in line with today's demands of companies in the banking, finance and insurance sectors.

In addition, the content of the Master's program is the product of Cetif 's ongoing commitment to the study and research of key strategic trends on which the major Financial Institutions that make up our Network are confronted on a daily basis.


"This master's program has given me the opportunity to broaden my cognitive horizons, spur my curiosity. It is a path of personal growth, through the testimony of the greatest professionals in the financial sector, I realized how much work and investment is being done in the tech world, in innovation, in the so surreal but fascinating Metaverse, which until recently was a concept unknown to me, outside my understanding. This opportunity, is only confirming more and more, my desire to try my hand at something big that can and should mark the foundation for the near future." Gianmarco Guardia - Master's student 
In my opinion, this training course is the right blend of theory and practice. In fact, in addition to addressing theoretical aspects that provide a complete picture of the past, current and future financial world, it allows one to come into contact with professionals who demonstrate in practice the application of the above concepts. This also allows networking thus increasing one's knowledge and the possibility of accessing more job opportunities. Chiara Beshai - Master's student
With the start of the Master's program, I had the opportunity to undertake the path of a classroom tutor. This allowed me to increase my communication skills as the role I play is to support teaching by acting as an intermediary between teachers/professionals and students. In addition, I developed my ability to resolve any issues in the shortest possible time. It is an experience that I would recommend for growth both professionally and relationally and to gain awareness in one's abilities. Diana Gramazio - Master's student

Distinctive features

Training Objective

Transfer innovative content and skills to train the next key players in the Digital Transformation in the industry Finance.

To whom it is addressed

The Master's program is intended for graduates and undergraduates (bachelor's, master's, master's, old system) mainly in the Faculties of Economics, Banking, Finance and Insurance Sciences, Engineering and Computer Science, Political Science, Law, Mathematics and Statistics, and Language Sciences. Additional courses of study will be evaluated individually

Professional opportunities

Professionals trained by the Master's program will be able to perform the activities of: Digital Innovation Manager, Digital Technology Specialist, Business Data Analyst, Digital Project Manager, Digital Channels Business Developer, Cyber Security Analyst, FinTech Startupper and/or anyone in any business function who is called upon to deal with Digital Innovation projects.

In addition, participation in the Master's program provides access to exclusive workshop e SUMMIT of Cetif, events attended by C-levels from the banking, finance and insurance industry. So, students in the course will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for visibility and networking among the leading players in the market. 

Teaching structure and articulation

The Master's program consists of basic and specialized modules, application labs and active learning (Workshop, Distance Learning, Company Visit and Group Work plus Internship with Final Report or Project Work) for a total of 1500 hours and 60 CFUs

The educational program includes an integrated formula of classroom training, distance learning and Project Work.

Classroom classes will be held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 9 pm. *Laboratory activities may be held on Fridays.

In the event that in-person classes are not possible, all online learning activities will be provided via the Blackboard E-Learning platform. Students will participate in anengaging, effective and interactive learning experience; webinar, online meeting, video lectures, digital lab, quizzes, project work, group work are just some of the scheduled activities.



Students are required to attend no less than 75 percent of the total class hours.

A curricular internship is also planned.

Completing and complementing the training are two*application labs dedicated to deepening statistical and computer skills.

In addition, thanks to the collaboration of ProSpera, students are individually supervised by Managers and Professionals in the development of their training.

The detailed schedule will be communicated to participants well in advance of the Master's program start date.

Course Schedule.


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