• Membership

    More than 30,000 professionals make up the ecosystem of Cetif: we facilitate the meeting and exchange between banks, insurers and companies in an academic Center, competent and independent environment to share knowledge, experience and strategies on the most innovative drivers of change.

  • Research

    16 Research Hubs focused on dynamics of strategic evolution, regulatory updates, organizational and process practices, and the effects of digitization: we study innovation trends and best practices and share them with our communities.

  • Events

    Over 60 events including Main events (Workshop and Summit) and Community events (related to research activities) and Webinar: we bring together banks, insurance companies and businesses for shared growth on trends and challenges to outline innovative development strategies.


Company Specific Program

Company Specific Programs are tailor-made training paths co-designed for companies that want to achieve their strategic goals through the development of individuals' skills and professionalism. 

Are you looking for an Academic Partner with whom you can build an exclusive and personalized training experience for your employees?

Cetif Academy designs and implements customized programs for Banks, Insurance Companies, FinTech, Corporate, and SMEs with a personalized and tailor-made approach: training objectives, content, format, and planning are carefully co-designed to enable maximum customization and alignment with business objectives.    

TheAcademy Team makes available its experience and professionalism to grasp the needs of the commissioning reality, co-construct the training plan and constantly accompany the company in all phases of the implementation of the initiative with constant coaching.

Design your training path with us

Through Company Specific Programs, client companies can:
- Map skills and identify training needs
- Co-design and implement the most suitable pathways for individuals and the company
- Activate or accelerate business transformation and change management processes
- Certify the learning of their employees.


The implementation of these initiatives follows the classic steps of Training:

We meet with the Principal to listen and analyze his needs
Let's design the path together, agree on the objectives, contents, implementation methods
We deliver the course by taking care of every detail of the educational experience
We evaluate and measure training impact for continuous improvement

Successful cases

The learning outcomes achieved speak for us: each year Cetif Academy collaborates with numerous companies to deliver Company Specific Programs.

Testimonials of the successes achieved by our clients are our calling card: the evaluation of our projects is positive and produces immediate consequences for business well-being and results. The best way to get to know us is through storytelling: the accounts of those who have worked with us effectively explain our method of work and the levels of satisfaction achieved.

Credem - Credito Emiliano


Highly professionalizing training path that will enable 48 people in the Group to acquire knowledge, skills and tools to deal with the digital evolution of the financial sector; it is characterized by the intensive and full digital teaching mode. The program is structured in 6 teachings ranging from ICT core concepts to digital innovation with transversal content on Compliance and Soft Skills; the teaching activities will be complemented by two application labs dedicated to the fintech world and advanced analytics, as well as a team contest.

Intesa Sanpaolo


Path designed four-handedly with Intesa Sanpaolo Group (School of Heads and Talent Management Office) as part of the 2018-2021 business plan to enhance the skills, of more than 300 young talents.The program included several paths characterized by cross-functional, cross-divisional and international experiences in changing market contexts; the Learning Experience, was carefully designed to make each participant an active protagonist of their own learning journey.

General Insurance


The long-standing collaboration with Assicurazioni Generali has enabled the creation of multiple editions of Executive Courses in Italian or English dedicated to Solvency II and the new international accounting standards. The training has enabled the training of more than 150 group employees belonging to the Group CFO area.

Crédit Agricole Group


The first edition of the "Banking & Digital Insurance Program" will enable about 70 Crédit Agricole Group professionals to increase their knowledge on Bancassurance issues. The program includes a multidisciplinary approach with an interactive format, full of simulations, games and practical applications. It takes the form of an extremely concrete training course, enabling participants to acquire the skills necessary to provide an increasingly qualified Insurance Consulting service that is close to Clients' needs.




The course enabled some 60 key account managers to learn more about compliance innovation trends in light of the digitization of the customer experience.

The track was created to provide a key insight into the future of #banking & #insurance digitization, from #banking 4.0 to the new customer experience that is increasingly streamlined, simple and fast - trends that, especially at this time, are affecting an ever-evolving industry.

Helvetia Assicurazioni


The Executive Education Program course targeted about 40 employees from different business functions involved in the POG process. Digital transformation, ongoing product and offering innovation, and new regulations in the insurance industry are directing Insurance Companies to rethink business and internal control processes and strategies. The Compliance Function therefore assumes a central and cross-cutting role within the organization. The objective of the course was to delve into the evolutions in the insurance business and the implications for risk management, which involve a rethinking of internal controls and the introduction of new methodologies and tools for Compliance, which is called upon to make technology its driving force.

Prelios Group


The "Future and Innovation: Business Model Evolutionary Insights" course, aimed at about 35 young employees from different functional business areas, was structured into asynchronous activities, consisting of general contextual frameworks, and synchronous activities, with the final moment of the classroom day at the university. During the final day, participants addressed issues now crucial in the financial services landscape, such as digital transformation, environmental sustainability, and economic interdependencies. The goal of the course was to delve into the long-term impacts of innovation on decision-making: a look into the future with the talent that will build it.

Be inspired by our suggestions and design your own tailor-made training project with us

Short-term compound Masterclasses designed specifically for top management, apex bodies and CDAs. They offer a high-profile update on the strategic evolutions that characterize the current sector finance and the implications of these for their own company and role. They are also an opportunity to gain insights and use cases, best practices and benchmarks from the research activities of Cetif.

Pathways custom-built for the individual participant to quickly enhance specific skills; they are typically implemented for Top Managers, Executives, Board Members who are faced with a new role in a short period of time. They are designed in modular form and totally flexible based on the participant's agenda.

Co-Branded pathways designed for young talents to be placed in the company, juniors and new hires: they allow the different backgrounds of the participants to be aligned and to enhance the knowledge and skills useful for the role they will have to fill. They are also useful training experiences to give participants a comprehensive view of their company and the market scenario in which it operates as well as to transfer the culture, values and mission of the reality in which they are placed. 

Pathways designed specifically for Sales figures of Software Houses, Consulting Companies or Corporate and SME companies and offering an overview of the national and international banking and insurance system; they allow to go over the key processes and main topics that are facing potential customers, thus providing useful tools and knowledge for a better dialogue of Sales figures with their interlocutors.

These are immersive educational experiences designed to foster the contamination of ideas, enhance cross-cultural competencies and strengthen one's network. Company visits are short-term (physical or virtual) in-company visits that provide a firsthand immersive educational experience in contact with leading national and international companies; study tours, lasting about a week, are generally organized in Tel Aviv and are designed specifically to become part of an international digital innovation ecosystem

Team Building initiatives with an educational slant formulated ad hoc for all professionals who want to enhance individual and collective soft skills in order to improve the performance of their team. The primary objective of the activities will be to bring attention back to the human factor, which will be configured as a strategic lever for the enhancement of corporate life.

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